Great, you’d like to read more? Couple easy ways to get your personal copy of the newest edition, Discovered In Plain View: Life Unmasked.
1. Drop me an email…
Drop me an email at woolzone@icloud and together we’ll make arrangements to get a book in the mail for you. Also, I’d be happy to sign and personalize the book to you or a loved one if a gift.
Book is a 6 x 9 professionally produced trade paperback with 85 short stories over 175 pages.
Retail is $19.95 and after postage, shipping and taxes for the governor of TX, let’s call it an easy $25.
2. Order online…
You can purchase directly from – quick and easy.
3. Visit your local bookstore…
Walk into your favorite local bookstore and share the following ISBN number and presto, a copy is on the way for you. Remember, always good to support your local bookstore!
ISBN 97817297847662 Retail price $19.95
Very exciting Leonard, I’ll spread the word and do my part.